Monday 26 May 2014

6 Ariya Thamilar Kulam Kaatha Cholar Maharaja Samrajiyatthin Suvadugal .........!

   Cholar Dynasty was a Thamil Dynasty which was one of the longest-ruling dynasties in Early India. The earliest datable references to this Tamil dynasty are in inscriptions from the 3rd century BC left by Ashokar Maharaja ( Asoka) The Great , of Mauryan Perarasu ( Empire) ; as one of the Three Crowned Kings, the dynasty continued to govern over varying territory until the 13th century AD. The heartland of the Cholars was the fertile valley of the Kaveri River, but they ruled a significantly larger area at the height of their power from the later half of the 7th century till the beginning of the 13th century. The whole country south of the Tungabhadram was united and held as one state for a period of two centuries and more. Under Maharaja Rajaraja Cholar I and his son Maharaja Rajendra Cholar I, the dynasty became a military, economic and cultural power in South Asia and South-east Asia. The power of the new empire was proclaimed to the eastern world by the expedition to the Ganges which Rajendra Cholan I undertook and by the occupation of the maritime empire of Srivijayam ( Srivijaya ) , as well as by the repeated embassies to China. During the period 1010–1200, the Cholar territories stretched from the islands of the Maldives in the south to as far north as the banks of the Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh. Maharaja Rajaraja Cholar conquered peninsular South India, annexed parts of what is now Sri Lanka ( Ilangkai ) and occupied the islands of the Maldives. Maharaja Rajendra Cholar sent a victorious expedition to North India that touched the river Ganges and defeated the Pala ruler of Pataliputra, Mahipala. He also successfully invaded kingdoms of the Malay Archipelago ( South-East Asia ) . The Great Cholar dynasty went into decline at the beginning of the 13th century with the rise of the Pandiyans, who ultimately caused their downfall. The Cholars left a lasting legacy. Their patronage of Tamil literature and their zeal in building temples has resulted in some great works of Tamil literature and architecture. The Cholar kings were avid builders and envisioned the temples in their kingdoms not only as places of worship but also as centers of economic activity. They pioneered a centralized form of government and established a disciplined bureaucracy.

1. Bronze Cholar Statue of Lord Nadarajar

This is a bronze statue of Nadarajar, which resides at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

2. Standing Hanuman (11th Century AD)

 This is an 11th century standing Hanuman, who is a Hindu deity and ardent devotee of Rama according to the Hindu legends. He is a central character in the Indian epic Ramayana and its various versions. He also finds mentions in several other texts, including Mahabharata, the various Puranas and some Jain texts. A vanara (ape-like humanoid), Hanuman participated in Rama’s war against the demon king Ravana. He is son of Lord Vayu and incarnation of Lord Shiva.

3. Bronze Statues of Lord Shiva and Parvati (11th Century AD)

These statues are of Lord Shiva as a cowherd and Parvathi. They currently reside at the Ulster Museum.

4.Great Statue

5. Pillar Of Cholar Empire

6.Coins of Great Cholar Empire

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