Tuesday 1 April 2014

Hinduism in Philippines....................!

Hinduism in Philippines

The Hinduism was an important cultural religion, for the island Philippines.
Hinduism came from the Javanese empire to Philippines. Philippine kings had,
the Hindu king title "Raja" or "Rajah". The Filipino language is 25% from Sanskrit and Tamil. Philippines was one of the so-called Hindu countrie and was a part of Greater India.

History of the Philippines and battle of religions.

From 7 to 13th Century, Philippines came under the influence of Sri Vijaya, Chola and later Majapahit empire. 14th century Philippines was conquered from the Sultan of Malakka and converted to Islam and many Hindus fled to Bali. Later in 1521 came the Spanish conquerors and brought the Christianity. Because of their defeat by the Spanish in 1571, converted many kingdoms to Catholicism. Those who refused to accept the faith were tortured or banished from Spanish- Philippines. Because the Spanish rule could Philippines take no more contacts with other countries of Southeast Asia and lost cultural relations. After Spanish colony, was the Philippines, colonized by the USA and in World War II by Japan. On 4 July 1946, the Philippines officially released into independence.

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