Tuesday 1 April 2014

The Great Tamil King Raja Raja Cholan.............................!

The Great Tamil King Raja Raja Cholan who built the Grand Big Temple which stands for more than thousand years speaking his devotion to Lord Shiva, Raja Raja Cholan spread his rule all over south India and stretched his kingdom to the far east Asia, administered one of the big Elephant force and first Naval force in the world.
His centenary looks deserted and lonely, situated at Udayalur Village near to Kumbakonam in Tamil nadu. 

Hinduism in Philippines....................!

Hinduism in Philippines

The Hinduism was an important cultural religion, for the island Philippines.
Hinduism came from the Javanese empire to Philippines. Philippine kings had,
the Hindu king title "Raja" or "Rajah". The Filipino language is 25% from Sanskrit and Tamil. Philippines was one of the so-called Hindu countrie and was a part of Greater India.

History of the Philippines and battle of religions.

From 7 to 13th Century, Philippines came under the influence of Sri Vijaya, Chola and later Majapahit empire. 14th century Philippines was conquered from the Sultan of Malakka and converted to Islam and many Hindus fled to Bali. Later in 1521 came the Spanish conquerors and brought the Christianity. Because of their defeat by the Spanish in 1571, converted many kingdoms to Catholicism. Those who refused to accept the faith were tortured or banished from Spanish- Philippines. Because the Spanish rule could Philippines take no more contacts with other countries of Southeast Asia and lost cultural relations. After Spanish colony, was the Philippines, colonized by the USA and in World War II by Japan. On 4 July 1946, the Philippines officially released into independence.

Sri Madhyamaheswar Temple, Mansuna, Garhwal, Uttarkhand...! Temple built by the Pandavas, the Heroes of the Hindu Epic Mahabharata....!

Madhyamaheshwar or Madmaheshwar is a Hindu temple dedicated to god Shiva, located in the Mansuna village of Garhwal Himalayas in Uttarakhand, India. Situated at an elevation of 3,497 m (11,473.1 ft), it is the fourth temple to be visited in the Panch Kedar pilgrimage circuit, comprising five Shiva temples in the Garhwal region. The other temples in the circuit include: Kedarnath, Tungnath and Rudranath to be visited before Madmaheshwar and Kalpeshwar to be visited after Madmaheshwar. The middle (madhya) or belly part or navel (nabhi) of the bull, considered a divine form of Shiva, is worshipped at this temple, believed to be built by the Pandavas, the heroes of the Hindu epic Mahabharata.

The temple in the north Indian style of architecture, is situated in a lush meadow, just below a high ridge. The older, so-called 'Vriddh-Madmaheshwar', temple is a tiny blackened shrine on the ridge, which looks straight up at the commanding Chaukhamba peaks. In the current temple, a navel-shaped Shiva-lingam, made of black stone, is enshrined in the sanctum.

Sri Yantra-Chakra in Alvord Desert, Oregon (Mystery Exclusive)......................!

The Sri Yantra (“sacred instrument“) or Sri Chakra (“sacred wheel“) or Mahameru is a yantra (instrument or machine) formed by nine interlocking triangles that surround and radiate out from the central (bindu) point, the junction point between the physical universe and its unmanifest source.

On August 10, 1990, Bill Miller, a pilot in the Idaho Air National Guard, noticed a huge etching on a dried-up lake-bed while flying over it, in Oregon State of the United States. The massive formation was a quarter of a mile in width and was etched 3 inches deep into the surface.
In his earlier round about 30 minutes before Miller first noticed the glyph, there had been no trace of this formation. Neither had any of the other pilots of the Idaho National Guard (who regularly train over this corridor), observed any unusual activity or a design-in-process in this area.
The etching simply appeared that morning. There was no possibility of any of the other pilots having missed such a prominent formation in process of being made.

The news hit the media in the United States on 12th September, 1990 when Boise TV station first aired the story. As soon as the story was aired, the glyph was quickly identified as the ancient Hindu meditation device- the Sri Yantra- identical in shape and proportion, and in its geometrical properties. No one had a theory why a pictograph of a complex Hindu meditation yantra should appear in the wilderness of Oregon. The story caught the attention of the media and the viewers alike.

By September 14th, the story was picked up by the Associated Press, Bend Bulletin and the Oregonian. The Oregonian reported that some architects that had been contacted by the newspaper, had said that the cost of conducting a land survey alone, before such a project could be initiated, would range from 75,000 to 100,000 dollars. The Sri Yantra design has a degree of complexity and a level of symmetry that makes it difficult to recreate its design even on paper, let alone furrow an enormous replication of it on a dry lake-bed. There was therefore a good deal of speculation that the glyph was not man-made.

There were other reasons too to support this theory – not the least important of them being the fact that, the shape produced by the lines in this massive Sri Yantra at Oregon, could not be deciphered while standing on the ground. In fact, the shape only made sense when viewed from a height of a few thousand feet above.

In Vedic texts, the Sri Yantra is defined as a device formed by nine interlocking triangles. Four triangles point upward (representing Shiva) overlapping with five downward-pointing triangles (representing Shakti). The triangles are placed in a circle surrounded by the two levels of lotus-petals, which in turn are surrounded by an outer circle and enclosed in a tantra design, serving as a protective cover. As the devotee enters into the Mandala, represented by the Sri Yantra, he leaves behind the worldly distractions and conflicts; and is transported into a world of symbols and visualizations.

The triangles surround and radiate out from a bindu point. The bindu represents the junction point between the physical universe and its unmanifest source. The nine triangles are interlaced in such a way so as to create forty three smaller triangles symbolic of the entire cosmos.

The Sri Yantra is variously described as a visual representation of the sound ‘Om’ and an expression of the philosophy of ‘Advaita (one-ness or non-duality)‘. The Sri Yantra is popularly used today in India as a meditation device.

Two UFO Researchers, Don Newman and Alan Decker, visited the site on the morning of 15th September and reported that no trace of tire track markings or footprints were visible anywhere close to the site even though their own station wagon had now left quarter inch deep marks into the hard crust of the surface along the track from where they had approached the formation.

Kashmir visit - Swami Vivekanand's Last Day in the Valley.............................!

Kashmir visit - Swami Vivekanand's Last Day in the Valley

Years were 1897-98. Swami Vivekanand wanted to set up as Math in Srinagar. He needed some land. Like most visitors, he stayed on houseboats, travelled on boats. Camped at sweet European camping spots. Met the royalties. But land was refused by the British Regent Adelbert Talbot. With his foreign friends, he celebrated American Independence day floating on Jhelum, holding on to a locally made crude American flag. He even wrote a poem about the day: 

Bethink thee how the world did wait, And search for thee, through time and clime. 

In Kashmir, he visited Mughal gardens - Shalimar, Nishat... and ancient temples - Bijbehar and Mattan. He climbed hills- Shankaracharya and Hari Parbat, and trekked his way to mountain abode of god Amarnath. Here he told shell shocked Sadhu's to not treat Muslims, and others, as infidels. Suffered what his doctor called a 'massive heart attack'. Survived and claimed: 'Now I have seen Shiva too'. In valley, he worshipped four-year-old daughter of his Mohammedan boatman as goddess Uma. He told Pandits that it is fine to send their children to a missionary school. At Ksheer Bhawani, he wondered why Goddess of this land didn't protect herself from the Muslims. Said the Mother Goddess told her, 'It's alright! I protect you, not the other way around.' Here he picked up a Muslim devotee, a man he cured of migraine by a roll of a hand overhead. Here he made a mistake and found himself in middle of an ancient game of metaphysical star war. This man used to be a devotee of a local Muslim Fakir. This Fakir on losing a soul, cursed the man in orange robe, 'Before you leave this valley, you shall taste your own blood. You shall remember, you have a body too. You shall vomit blood.'

And the words soon turned true. The story goes: Just before leaving the valley, Vivekanand vomited blood. It shook his core: 'I have seen gods, talked to them, understood their mind, and yet something as crude as this can happen to me. I can be cursed. How? Why? What chance do the common folk have? What are we up against?' His mind tossed and turned. His disciples took notes. Once back in his land, virgin-widow of his dead Guru advised, 'Even Shankaracharya couldn't survive these machinations. Even your Guru Ramakrishna was once cursed and vomited blood. Don't worry. It probably saved your life. Had the blood gone to your head, you would have surely died. It's probably all the yoga that you do.' Some disciples wrote: Even gods are susceptible to craft. Rules of craft- words, written, said and thought - are all binding even on God.

* Based on 'The Life of the Swami Vivekananda' by Swami Virajananda (Publisher K.C. Ghosh, 1912)

Image : a rare photo of Swami Vivekanand in Kashmir 1898

Shankracharya Temple in Srinagar ,Jammu & Kashmir , India.......!

The temple dates back to 200 BC, although the present structure probably dates back to the 9th century AD. It was visited by Aadhi Shankara and has ever since been associated with him; this is how the hill/temple got the name Shankaraharya. It is also regarded as sacred by Buddhists. The Shiva linggam was placed inside by Aadhi Shankaracharya on his visit to Kashmir. 

சிதம்பரம் நடராஜர் தாண்டவமும் அணுவின் செயல்பாடும்...............! அவனின்றி ஓர் அணுவும் அசையாது....!

சிதம்பரம் நடராஜர் ஆடிக்கொண்டிருக்கும் ஆனந்த தாண்டவம் என்ற கோலம் "Cosmic Dance" என்று பல வெளிநாட்டு அறிஞர்களால் அழைக்கபடுகின்றது.

அணுவின் அசைவும் நடராஜரின் நடனமும் ஒன்றாக கருதபடுகிறது. அதனாலேயே அவனின்றி ஓர் அணுவும் அசையாது என்று திருமூலர் கூறியுள்ளார்.

God’s particle, Higgs Boson என்று பலவற்றை கண்டாலும் அது நடராஜரை தொடர்புபடுத்துகிறது, திருமூலரும் அப்படியே கூறுகிறார்.

பல பில்லியன் டாலர்கள் செலவில் , செர்ன் (CERN) என்ற ஐரோப்பிய அணு ஆராய்ச்சி மையத்தில் , பிரான்ஸ்-ஸ்விட்சர்லாந்து நாடுகளுக்கு இடையே , 574 அடி ஆழத்தில் 27 கி.மி. நீளம் உள்ள சுரங்கப்பாதையில் Large Hadron Collider ஒன்று உருவாக்கப்பட்டது. நடராஜர் தாண்டவமும் அணுவின் செயல்பாடும் சம்பந்தப்பட்டுள்ளது என்று நம்புவதால் அங்கே நடராஜர் சிலை வைத்துள்ளனர்.