Thursday 6 February 2014

Sri Muneeswarar

Lord Sri Muneeswarar may be quite unknown to many but he is a powerful God and has an interesting origin. 

Long before our time, in ancient India lived King Thakshar who was Lord Siva's father in law. One fine day, he decided to perform a special pooja called the Achvametha Yagam. Unfortunately he did not invite Lord Siva to the Yagam. Brahma, Vishnu, Indra, the Thevars and Maha Rishis strongly requested that Lord Siva be invited but King Thakshar was indeed stubborn. He flatly refused. 

He continued to conduct the Yagam without giving Lord Siva his share of the Avir. Lord Siva's anger was apparent. King Thakshar was cursed by Nandhithevar, who sits at the base of Lord Siva's idol , and Sivanintahi resulted. The Yagam did not end. Lord Siva's anger exploded. Frightful Veeera Pathirar, Lord Siva's guard, appeared angrily from the Yagam.

And from the Lord Siva's face came Sri Muneeswarar who took seven incarnations - Sivamuni, Mahamuni, Thavamuni, Naathamuni, Jadamuni, Tharammamuni and Vaazhamuni. This he did to protect the souls. 

1. As he appeared from Lord Siva's face. He assumed SIVAMUNI. 
2. Possessing immeasurable divine power he became Mahamuni. 
3. Thavamuni removed all obstacles in the path of the Thevars and Rishis during their Yagam. 
4. Naathamuni offered blessings to the Devagananga and Poothaganga. 
5. Jadamuni grew the trees and possessed the Ruthrkshamala Kaatgar and the book. 
6. Tharmamuni protected the good and destroyed evil. 
7.Vaalmuni is praised by the Kabalis who live in the jungle.

In so assuming the different incarnations, Lord Sri Muneeswarar has showered his blessings on His devotees. Sivasakthi is Knowledge. In praying to Lord Muneeswarar, devotees may achieve bliss and good health in life. 

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