Thursday 23 August 2012


Mudras Traditional Tamil medicine emphasizes that as the proportion of the basic elements that have the body (earth, water, air, fire and ether) will be healthy and balanced or unbalanced getting to be 
even seriously sick. Just as each element can have a positive influence on us, you can also destroy us. This can restore inner balance through the language of gestures. The following meditations can be done for a few minutes a day and its effectiveness is assured. Require our full attention and fingers of our hands. These gestures called Mudras. These gestures are very important because they allow us to properly channel the energy through our body and to facilitate the achievement of many goals as the spiritual upliftment, healing physical and emotional healing. Meditation 1: With the power of the thumb. The element fire, the lung meridian, and Mars (the planet and ancient god of war) are associated with the thumb. The fire feeds the energy of the thumb of the other fingers and absorbs excess energy. Thus, restores the balance. It is similar to the destructive power of fire or fever. Exercise Lying or sitting around your right thumb and four fingers of his left hand and place your left thumb along the inside edge of the right hand. Close your eyes yconcéntrate in the breath that flows within. Now imagine a white light that lights you up completely, and through you down to your roots and then up to your head lit up your world. Each time you exhale, send light rays directly to the diseased body part. Focus on the body part that is weaker or sick. Calmly repeat. Focusing only on white light illuminates and purifies you, make silence within. You will notice as they come out large and dense dark energy-like clouds of smoke, fleeing a body and an enlightened mind and peace. This exercise is also recommended in situations of stress. Meditation 2: With the power of the index finger. The throat chakra, the large intestine and the stomach meridian is associated with this finger. In this finger is also attributed the ability to command, reflection, inspiration and intuition. It also relates to the air element, which represents the mind and the power of thought. The planetary energy associated with this finger is Jupiter, which indicates the eternal change of things, accept life with all its facets. Exercise Lying or sitting around your index finger and four fingers of his left hand, leaving the thumb is extended to half of his right hand. Close your eyes. You focus on your breathing and feel the movement of the universe to the rhythm of your inhalations and exhalations your. Now look at your thoughts come and go. Obsrervalos carefully for a while. Do you listen to your inner dialogue? Do you know that our unconscious thoughts greatly weaken us? What are your thoughts, positive or negative, conscious or unconscious? If we make the following meditation for several days, we realize that there is a certain habit in our thoughts. Habits can be changed by the time we become aware of them, but changes always require a certain amount of time and effort. If we strive to continuously replace harmful thoughts by conscious thought and useful, we can change the circumstances of our lives accordingly. Keep your finger in this situation for a while and feel the heat flows. Meditation 3: With the power of the middle finger. It relates to the heart chakra. With this finger, which is the longest of all, our body tells us and the heart can reach heights that we can not achieve with other parts of our body. Radiates its energy at infinity. Could also be considered how a stairway to heaven. The planet that fits your energy is Saturn, situated on the edge of our solar system and also called the "guardian of the threshold." But Saturn reminds us that progress in our spiritual journey, we must first meet our chores around the Earth. The meridians involved in the energy of this finger are the meridian circulation and the meridian of the gallbladder. Both help us seize and master the challenges of life. Exercise Lying or sitting around your right middle finger with the four fingers of your left hand. The left thumb should extend to the middle of his right hand. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself in your work. You're doing what you love to do. There you can make full use of your talents and inclinations to overcome all obstacles that appear in your way. Visualize yourself succeeding. Visualize yourself being happy doing what you do. Think that your actions enrich the world. The divinity is expressed through you and your actions when you forget to do that for you and what you're meant to do. If your occupation does not satisfy you and if you have no leisure activities or interests that you indulge, then it is time to ask within, until you receive an answer and accept it. Hold your finger in silence for a while and feel the heat flowing in you. Repeat with your left middle finger and changes hands. These hand positions also have an excellent effect on tension in the neck. Meditation 4: With the power of the ring finger ring finger is associated with Apollo, the sun god, and the root chakra, which governs the pelvis. It is the force of resistance. The Chinese have linked finger with the liver meridian. The power of the liver gives a person patience, serenity, hope and vision for the future. Exercise Lying or sitting around your left ring finger and four fingers of his right hand, thumb extended right into the middle of the left hand. Close your eyes. Imagine the earth, the mountains and rocks crushed in all its forms whether in the deserts, mountains or islands. What happens when the masses of earth begin to move? And when the earth is dry? And when the earth is fully exposed to the sun? Now imagine the fertile land. Slowly let the vegetation appears. Buds, stems, leaves, seedlings, shrubs, trees, forests. Now visualize a seed. With every breath we make, something moves inside the seed gradually grows and expands into the light. . At the same time, we see it take root deep in the earth. It becomes a tree that grows slowly. You see it grow slowly because we know that time is not important. Has only continued growth. The tree blooms anew every year, and bears fruit. Like the tree-giving and each year pays off, we can also succeed if we give fully to life and act according to his purpose. Keep your finger for a while and feel the heat flowing. Then do the same with your other hand. Meditation 5: With the power of the little finger Linked to the second chakra, the energy center of sexuality. Also associated with this finger with the ability to communicate. Also related to the water element (water symbolizes the realm of emotions). Relationships, nourish and strengthen or weaken. And, in turn, give us the ability to be happy. They give us sublime feelings and improves our mood. According to our relations have clear or dark water. We will have independence or dependence. We experience the relationships act as a reflection of those qualities of our shadow which we reject or refuse to recognize. Venus is the planet involved. Exercise Lying or sitting around your left little finger with the four fingers of his right hand, until your right thumb extending to the middle of your left hand. Close your eyes. With the eye of your mind scroll to the seashore and watch the waves that you get wet feet. The same image can be applied to your feelings. Emotions work like waves that flow subject to the law of giving and receiving. Emotions can also be described as clouds do not allow us to have conscious thought. So you see yourself in the midst of a wave or a storm. We focus on breathing, calm down. Aspire and exhale visualizing white light. We focus on monitoring our thoughts and feelings. The white light comes faintly. Gradually we see the tide go away and clouds. Sunlight appears. The calm, love and peace will settle back into our hearts and in the spring now conscious thoughts and deep harmony. Continue the same operation on the other hand. Surround your right little finger and hold it by the same amount of time.

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