Tuesday 28 August 2012

Dravidian Architecture

Introduction to Dravidian Architecture

Dravidian Architecture is an Architectural style of South India, which evolved around 6th century A.D. and developed for about 10 centuries. This style has produced number of magnificient buildings. This growth had been patronised by various dynasties, that ruled this region. Architectural Historian sub divide the period of Dravidian Architectural growth into 1. Pallavan Period, 2. Cholar Period, 3. Paandavan Period, 4. Vijayanagaram Period and 5. Nayakkar Period.

Pallavan period provided us with several buildings to early stage of the development of this style. Earliest ones are rock-cut temples. Later then temples carved in one stone and in the later stages, the construted temples. Pallavas introduced the technique of building in stone into Tamilnadu.

Cholar Period

Period of Cholar domination was the golden age for Dravidian Architecture. Under the rule of Great Kings Rajaraja Cholan and his son Rajendra Cholan, arhitectural activities got unprecedented royal patronage and the temples built during this period include large ones such as Great Temple of Thanjavur.

A View of the Great Tower on the sanctuary of the Thajavur Temple

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